Document Scanning
Increase productivity, improve performance and save money by moving to digital document management.
The electronic storage of documents and information can produce great benefits for your organisation. Fortress & Castle converts your documents from paper to digital format, which can be viewed in a number of ways to suit your business. Whether you need last year’s invoices scanned, are considering a ‘paperless’ approach, need a fixed price option, or are looking to outsource your mailroom process – the possibilities are endless, and Fortress & Castle has the solution!
Why choose Fortress & Castle for your document scanning?
Fortress & Castle streamlines your ability to store, access and manage your documents digitally, whilst cutting costs and solving your ‘misplaced file’ dilemma! We use market leading Kodak i600 series scanners for high quality, high volume capture of documents in black and white, greyscale or colour. Our scanners use Perfect Page technology, which in conjunction with the Kofax image processing software, gives unparalleled image quality. Our genius ‘optical character recognition’ (OCR) software allows the text from a scan to be automatically recognised and stored so that individual keywords can be searched at a later date by the user. Fortress & Castle has the capacity to process up to 0.5 million documents per day, as a result of our quality equipment and our dedicated team of first class staff! Our document scanning process fully complies with BSI BIP 0008 – code of practice for legal admissibility and evidential weight of information stored on electronic document management systems.
We work with you to create a tailor made solution
We understand that scanning every document may not be practical for every business, so we work with you to identify a cost effective strategy with long term benefits to suit you. Fortress & Castle offers a flexible ‘scan on demand’ service to enable you to store your current documents off site. This method means no large initial outlay for bulk digital conversion, and still meets your file access requirements.
Storage space and costs
On-site document storage and archiving can consume unnecessary square footage, be expensive to maintain, and are prone to endless problems for those running it: Entire floors of office space have been liberated by implementing electronic filing! When you compare the annual cost for the physical space and administration of your archive with the likely cost of a back-scanning project with Fortress & Castle; you may conclude that the convenience for your staff and the future cost savings more than justifies the initial budget. Your documents and index information could be uploaded to your internal database, provided on disc, or we can store your documents in FileDirector, our secure cloud-based repository where they can be accessed securely from your web browser or smart device.
Contact Fortress & Castle today to find out how we can help you make the transition from hard copy to electronic storage of documents.