Reduce costs and improve efficiency with Mailroom Outsourcing…
The mailroom is responsible for managing your most valuable documents and sensitive information. Outsourced mailroom services can address a range of operational issues.
Using high-volume production scanners and a combination of manual data entry, automated form classification and intelligent data capture systems, we transform your paper documents into digital information delivered quickly and efficiently to the right people at the right time. Our digital mailroom solutions incorporate time and cost-saving improvements for mail workflows, and all associated business processes.
Working with you towards a solution
Our consultants work with you to help you understand your current service and identify areas for improvement to efficiency and effectiveness. We deliver financial value through precise process efficiency and technical innovation. By providing a professionally managed digital mailroom service, with clearly defined SLAs, we help you improve the service you offer your clients. We introduce transparency and control through streamlined processes and detailed management information.
Significant savings and improvements
– Eliminate costly mailroom overheads
– Reduced paper storage costs
– Eliminate delays in receiving important mail items
– Save time by receiving electronic post instantly
– No need for costly equipment, maintenance and consumables
– Improved compliance and visibility
– An auditable process
The effective management of your mail can impact on the success of your business. Contact Us today to find out how we can help your organisation.